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So far Carol has created 256 blog entries.

SPE 2018, Philly

Society for Photographic Education 55th Annual Conference Uncertain Times: Borders, Refuge, Community, Nationhood Philadelphia, PN | March 1-4, 2018 My first SPE conference took place in Philadelphia and it was amazing so I was excited to return to the city. My husband Karl traveled with me so we could explore the city together during my downtime and we had a great time visiting iconic sites such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Highlights Exploring Philly with my husband Karl Guest speakers: Anthony Goicolea, Sarah Lewis, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa Portfolio Reviews Thursday, March 1st Liberty Hall [...]

By |2025-02-17T19:04:56-06:00March 4th, 2018|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

Grad Journal: Spring 2018, Week 6

This semester took off a bit slow thanks to a Holiday and two weather days that caused JSU to be closed Monday-Wednesday of week 2. Classes have now been in session for six weeks and I'm finally finding my rhythm, unlike last semester. Last semester was an adrenaline-powered nightmare. I earned As in all my classes so I'm sure some would think it wasn't that bad, but it was. I hope to never overload myself like that again. I'm in three classes this semester, but only one of them is a studio class (last semester all three were studios). This [...]

By |2025-02-18T03:31:05-06:00February 12th, 2018|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

Student Art Show Poster

Poster Design candidate for the 45th Annual Juried Student Show. Class: Traditional Communication Studio Term: Spring 2018

By |2018-02-26T22:37:33-06:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: Design|0 Comments

Arbor Day Celebration Poster

My first completed project for this semester. Huzzah! This was my first time working with lino printmaking, a method of printmaking that involves carving sheets of linoleum. It was very easy to work with and super fun. My concept of a sapling framed by adult trees is pretty straightforward. I chose a cheery yellow and a friendly green for a fun, fresh, and optimistic vibe. Arbor Day Celebration Poster Traditional Communication Studio with Christian Dunn Spring 2018

By |2025-02-18T05:23:22-06:00January 24th, 2018|Categories: Design|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The Evolution of Video Game Sound: Technology, Form, and Function (Essay)

The Evolution of Video Game Sound: Technology, Form, and Function Video game sound has evolved dramatically since its inception in the 1970s. Early video game sound design was defined by the capabilities of available technology at the time. As advancements in sound technology were made sound designs for video games became more elaborate and refined. Early video game sounds were inspired by the bell and whistle sounds found in early pinball, bagatelle, machines and carnival games, but changed aesthetically over time in response to changes in technology, film, and a desire for realism. My goal in this paper is to [...]

By |2025-02-18T04:51:52-06:00November 26th, 2017|Categories: Education|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Chemigrams & Chemograms

Made my first chemograms and chemigrams today. Both are experimental silver-gelatin based photographic techniques. Chemograms are a combination of a photographic exposure and chemical resists, while chemigrams are made only with chemical resists. I used a combination of butter, cooking spray, and honey to achieve the results seen in the following four images. Adv. Darkroom Photography / Fall 2017 Further Learning Chemigram; Wikipedia Chemogram; Wikipedia Lomography; Cameraless Photography: How to Create Chemigrams Photo Tech Mag; Father of the Chemigram: An Interview with Pierre Cordier f/138; An Introduction to the Chemigram Process Alternative Photography; The Chemigram

By |2025-02-18T05:19:28-06:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Photography|Tags: , , |0 Comments


One of the things I enjoy the most about darkroom photography is the experimentation the process seems to promote. We've made photograms, traditional negative prints with both 35mm film, and 120 mm film shot with a Holga, and we recently experimented with toning prints. Now I'm excited to be playing with a technique I discovered from Kristine Thompson while attending the Society for Photographic Education South Central conference in Waco, Texas last month. Kristine creates photograms by placing light-sensitive paper on the screen of her laptop and then developing it to reveal the image. It sounds easy but it's kind [...]

By |2025-02-18T05:19:14-06:00November 2nd, 2017|Categories: Photography|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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