Young Hydrangea Blossoms
Young Hydrangea Blossoms | #100DaysofScanography Day 3 #100dayproject
Young Hydrangea Blossoms | #100DaysofScanography Day 3 #100dayproject
Star of Bethlehem | #100DaysofScanography Day 2 #100dayproject This beautiful little white star-shaped flower is considered invasive in many areas because of how difficult it is to keep it from spreading wildly. Gardeners don't recommend planting it but say that if it's something you absolutely must have in your garden plant it in containers or a lined bed so that the bulbs don't spread. Star of Bethlehem Star of Bethlehem Flower Heads
The #100DayProject kicked off around the web today and I decided to join in. I'm doing 100 Days of Scanography (Image making with a scanner) which I love because of the unique depth of field. I have some projects I've been wanting to do with the scanner so this will be great practice. I'm going to begin by focusing on plants, specifically those in my yard so I can learn more about what's growing in my yard. Hooray for multi-purpose projects! Follow my #100DaysofScanography project on Instagram. Hydrangea Leaf
Exit Plan: A Funeral & Memorial Planning Workbook is a book concept I'm working on for my Book Pitch class this semester. Here's a peak at some of the content.
Society for Photographic Education Annual Conference Family Values Orlando, FL | March 9-12, 2017 This year I was the only person from JSU to attend the national conference. I was able to attend thanks to a $500 Travel Award from SPESC that helped cover my expenses. I drove down on Wednesday and stayed offsite at The Fountains. I attended some really excellent panels and met up with some friends, but this SPE conference felt off. I think the hotel location was bad -- there was nothing within walking distance, and attendance was definitely below average. Highlights Awarded a SPESC Travel [...]