Because They Dare
My Typeface, 2010 Class: Letterform Instructor: Diana Cadwallader Assignment: Create a typeface based off your handwriting, digitize it in Illustrator, and typeset a speech or saying.
My Typeface, 2010 Class: Letterform Instructor: Diana Cadwallader Assignment: Create a typeface based off your handwriting, digitize it in Illustrator, and typeset a speech or saying.
Art Alliance members had a ton of fun Cosmic Bowling at the Anniston Bowling Center. So glad we made this happen.
It's almost time for the Visual Arts Society (VAS) Gala which means AnnaMaria and I are busying photographing artwork and working our design magic on invitations, catalogs, and other nifty things. The Visual Arts Society is an organization that raises money for equipment for the Art Department & for Student Scholarships. They raise money by having an art auction every spring, that includes work by artists of all levels. I donated a small watercolor painting of a snail. I'm pretty fond of it, but am glad to donate it for a good cause. I had to write my first official 'About the Artist' [...]
SACSCOC, Greyscale A reimagined logo design for the South Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (what a mouth full). SACSCOC Logo Design Competition Entry, Spring 2010 Class: Graphic Design Workshop Professor: Jauneth Skinner Tools: Adobe Illustrator
One of my Graphic Design Workshop assignments involved reworking a few earlier projects. My original Hot, Cold, Wet, Dry project was a collage piece from my very first design class. It was made with bits of magazine and rubber cement which has now yellowed. It was fun to rework this project, and significantly easier than cutting and gluing tons of magazine bits to paper. Class: Graphic Design Workshop Professor: Jauneth Skinner Tools: Adobe Illustrator