Grad Journal: Fall 2017, Week 7

Today started out great, then bombed, then got a little better. Right now this whole week feels like a haze. I shot and developed 35mm film for my film class, did web work at Faculty Commons, worked on branding for my design studio class, had several meetings, worked on a cue sheet and sound plan for Sound Design, and taught/guest critiqued for the senior show class. It was filled with so much stuff it's kind of a blur, plus I didn't get much sleep. I think I'm going to just hibernate during my break in December. It'll take me the [...]

By |2025-02-18T03:34:11-06:00October 8th, 2017|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

Grad Journal: Fall 2017, Week 6

Relatively speaking this week was a pretty good week. I felt mostly caught up on homework before the week began. On Monday my neurologist approved me for a lumbar which gives me hope that some of my health issues will soon dramatically improve. I got a decent amount of work done, including a crap ton of work for the Photo Club and [Enclosed] (a photography show I am working on). Attended my first Kappa Pi meeting -- I really enjoyed it. Attended the JSU Art Faculty Show which was filled with gorgeous work. Met with Kacie and Alan from Alumni [...]

By |2025-02-18T03:34:04-06:00September 30th, 2017|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

Group Theory: Department of Art Faculty Show

Here's a peek at the JSU Department of Art Faculty Show 'Group Theory.' It's always a delight to see what kind of work the faculty have been up to and this year did not disappoint. Photography, ceramic, videography, web design, illustration, painting, and drawing work by various faculty were all on display. I was particularly delighted by the rough cut ceramic work of John Oles. The little sculptural pieces and the larger rough cut bowls immediately made me feel happy. I found the roughness and more natural quality of them refreshing. I need to go back and document the show since I [...]

By |2021-10-27T17:11:48-06:00September 28th, 2017|Categories: News|0 Comments

[Enclosed] A Juried Exhibition of Silver Gelatin Photography

One of my Advanced Darkroom Photography class assignments entails working with other advanced photo students to plan and host a photography show. We have now completed the first major steps in that we have chosen a theme, found jurors, created a prospectus and are now advertising our call for entry. This has been a fun project to work on. I've enjoyed learning more about this process and helping to plan out our own steps. I helped to refine our copy, designed our prospectus, printed, hung, and passed out fliers, and spread the word online through various means. Now we just sit [...]

By |2025-02-18T04:49:55-06:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Exhibitions|Tags: , |0 Comments

Grad Journal: Fall 2017, Week 5

I feel like I barely held onto my sanity most of this week. There were at least three days I was so tired I wanted to lie down on the floor and cry. I want to be proud of myself for pushing through the week but I'm too concerned about the stress my mind and body are under to pat myself on the back. I've been working hard to feel caught up in my classes, but I've been feeling particularly bad for the past two weeks. Last week I noticed I was feeling unusually light-headed, dizzy, short of breath, and [...]

By |2025-02-18T03:38:50-06:00September 23rd, 2017|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

‘Yes I Use a Rule” Artist Talk with Diana Cadwallader

‘Yes I Use a Rule” Artist Talk with Diana Cadwallader Diana Cadwallader, or Ms. C as she is affectionately known, gave an artist talk this afternoon to coincide with the closing of her show — From Celestial Tartans to Mary's Mantles. It was an absolute pleasure to hear her speak. She began by talking about how we judge the success of ourselves as artists and questioned if the only measures of success are fame and fortune? It was interesting to learn that her early education took place in a Catholic convent. Her knowledge of the Catholic church, especially the stories [...]

By |2020-02-29T00:59:59-06:00September 20th, 2017|Categories: News|0 Comments

Photogram: Wrapper

I was going to wait till tonight to work in the darkroom again but decided to go work last night after getting the notice that the university would be closed today and tomorrow. I lost track of time and spent about five hours in the lab making 27 new photograms. A few were tests to see what kind of results different materials would produce. I discovered that I love the texture Vaseline adds. Baby powder, tea, and water droplets also create interesting effects. Here's one of my favorite images from tonight. It's a 5 x 8" photogram of a wrapper. The [...]

By |2025-02-18T05:18:58-06:00September 11th, 2017|Categories: Photography|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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