Hot, Cold, Wet, Dry

One of my Graphic Design Workshop assignments involved reworking a few earlier projects. My original Hot, Cold, Wet, Dry project was a collage piece from my very first design class. It was made with bits of magazine and rubber cement which has now yellowed. It was fun to rework this project, and significantly easier than cutting and gluing tons of magazine bits to paper. Class: Graphic Design Workshop Professor: Jauneth Skinner Tools: Adobe Illustrator

By |2017-12-07T03:59:56-06:00April 7th, 2010|Categories: Illustration, Undergrad|0 Comments

SPE National Conference, Philly

This past week I had the incredible opportunity of attending the SPE National Conference in Philly from Thursday-Sunday, with fellow students Amy & Charity, and photography professors Doug Clark & Sarah Miles. I cannot begin to adequately express how amazing the conference and trip were. I had so many first time experiences and did so many different things I feel like I was in Philly much longer than just a few days. My family has never been well off financially, and as a student of little financial means I haven’t had the opportunity to travel much, or very far. When I heard about this conference I [...]

By |2020-02-29T01:00:38-06:00March 9th, 2010|Categories: Conferences, Photography|0 Comments
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