
A few self-portraits from one of my drawing classes at JSU. I think these were for Drawing II or III so they are probably from 2007. I wasn't allowed to use a photograph for reference so I had to look back and forth at a mirror and try not to move too much. The creepy one was for a contrasty light assignment. Class: Drawing II or III Professor: Gary Gee

By |2017-02-14T15:31:49-06:00February 8th, 2009|Categories: Illustration, Undergrad|Tags: |0 Comments

Bear Postage Stamp Illustrations

  Bear Postage Stamps, 2008 Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Black Bear Class: Graphic Design III with Diana Cadwallader, Fall 2008 Tools: Adobe Illustrator Brief: Design a set of three animal or plant postage stamps using Adobe Illustrator.

By |2020-02-29T01:00:42-06:00November 15th, 2008|Categories: Illustration, Undergrad|Tags: |0 Comments
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