Wet Cyanotype Toning
Wet cyanotype toned in black tea and red wine.
Wet cyanotype toned in black tea and red wine.
Cyanotypes are a photographic printing process that use a mixture of potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium to create a cyan-colored print. The cyanotypes in this series feature an image I took of Vinales Valley, Cuba when I traveled there in 2016. I created a digital negative, hand-coated the paper, and exposed these images under UV lighting in the darkroom. The cyanotypes below were then toned with different chemicals for varying amounts of time to alter the color of the final image and paper. Toned Cyanotypes
Hand-coated cyanotypes exposed with digital negatives under UV lighting. The images in this series were taken in Cuba in 2016.
Playing around with neon lines with photos from my 2016 trip to Cuba. I could see turning some of these into a postcard set. In the meantime, it's fun to just play around with spicing up some old photos. I dig the color photo of the fountain but prefer the grey toned images best overall. Which do you like best?
My first completed project for this semester. Huzzah! This was my first time working with lino printmaking, a method of printmaking that involves carving sheets of linoleum. It was very easy to work with and super fun. My concept of a sapling framed by adult trees is pretty straightforward. I chose a cheery yellow and a friendly green for a fun, fresh, and optimistic vibe. Arbor Day Celebration Poster Traditional Communication Studio with Christian Dunn Spring 2018