Golden Lens Exhibition

If you're near the Shreveport, LA area check out the Golden Lens Exhibition at Artstation on display January 12th - February 11th with an artist's reception on February 8th. I created work specifically for this competition while in Shreveport this past October. I submitted three images for the show and know that at least one of them made it into the exhibition. When the Moon Calls My Name 'When the Moon Calls My Name' was taken in lovely Riverview Park with the golden Horseshoe Casino in the background and features a quirky clown figurine bought at a local [...]

By |2023-01-25T13:23:39-06:00January 10th, 2023|Categories: Exhibitions, Photography|0 Comments

Searching for Life: Regrowth & Display

My self-portrait, Lamb of God, is currently on display at Xavier University Art Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio! It's part of a WE, the Women's Caucus Exhibition titled Searching for Life: Regrowth & Display that felt very appropriate. The opening reception is this coming Friday, October 7 and I believe the show runs till the end of October. I am bummed I won't be able to make it to see the show in person (unless someone wants to take a long road trip with me in mid-October) but I am super pumped because this is the beginning of a new series and the first exhibition of it. This image is part of a small set called Resurrection, which is part of a larger series that I am currently working on about spirituality. Speaking of which, I've been experiencing a lot of synchronicities lately. I'm not sure if this one really counts but today I sat down planning to post some sort of announcement about this exhibition and remembered that I was in the hospital with Covid this time two years ago. Out of curiosity, I opened my photo archive to see what I was doing on this day two years ago and this image was the first thing I saw. How fun is that!

By |2022-10-03T16:04:50-06:00October 3rd, 2022|Categories: Exhibitions, Photography|0 Comments

Game-Based Learning Conference Proposal Accepted for SPESC!

Ahoy friends! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be presenting at the 2022 SPE South Central conference, Come Together, taking place Oct. 14-15 in Shreveport, LA. I’ve been a member of SPE since 2010 and am super pumped to get to share my thesis research with my favorite photography group. I’ve exhibited work at SPE but this will be my first time presenting so that is also super exciting. I don’t know the exact date and time of my presentation yet but below you can find the title and a bit of information regarding my session. Game-Based [...]

By |2022-09-23T13:12:36-06:00August 27th, 2022|Categories: Conferences, Exhibitions, News, Photography|Tags: , , |0 Comments

WE, the Women’s Caucus Exhibition

Friends, I am super excited to announce that my #metoo work was chosen for inclusion in WE, the Women's Caucus Exhibition in Columbus, Ohio this November-December at West Rich Promenade Gallery. The show was curated by four jurors who chose twelve artists for the exhibition out of 61 entries so this is a huge honor. In addition to the show, an awesome exhibition website has been published so you can experience the exhibit virtually, and a printed catalog for the show is planned. How cool! I'm still new to sharing my work in shows like this, especially outside of the [...]

By |2020-11-05T03:25:20-06:00November 5th, 2020|Categories: Exhibitions, Photography|0 Comments

Fluttering Chrysalis Consumed

There is a creek called Five Mile Creek located near my childhood home in Birmingham, AL that's always been a place of magic in my imagination. These images are part of an experimental series I made that consisted of exposing plant life from around the creek during the middle of the day and then immediately processing the paper to stop exposure in the creek itself. For me, these prints are a combination of science and magic that commemorate this special place and the nostalgia of my childhood. Making these images was simply an experiment to see how pre-coated cyanotype paper [...]

By |2021-10-24T01:44:41-06:00October 27th, 2020|Categories: Cyanotypes|0 Comments
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