Quick & Dirty Photoshop Patterns

Playing with pattern-making in Photoshop. Pattern Swatches Pattern Samples It's been awhile since I played around with pattern-making. It's super fun. Normally I work in Illustrator but I wanted to focus on making raster based patterns for a Photoshop Pattern-making demonstration. I used bits of my own photos, drawings, stamp work, watercolor, and paste paper to make what you see here.  

By |2017-02-27T17:55:29-06:00February 25th, 2017|Categories: Design|0 Comments

TBT: Happily Ever After? Romantic Trek Quotes

I made a bunch of geeky table cards for my husband and my 10th anniversary party this past May. We're both huge Star Trek fans so here's a peak at some of the Trek designs I put together. Found on the interwebs - artist Unknown. Found this adorable illustration and couldn't resist adding this quote to it.

By |2020-02-29T01:00:15-06:00December 15th, 2016|Categories: Design|0 Comments

Grad School, Week 8: Less than 8 weeks left!

Not sure how half the semester has already flown by, but it has so life is going to be crazy for the rest of the semester. I'm about to go out of town for a week for the national AIGA conference in Vegas so I'm trying not to worry about all the work I need to do, but I am hoping to get a lot of reading done while I'm out of town. -fingers crossed-   Art 625: Design Readings & Research Tuesday Reading Discussion Thursday Research Project Discussion I discussed the status of my literature review, the next steps [...]

By |2020-02-29T01:00:15-06:00October 14th, 2016|Categories: Design|0 Comments

Grad School, Week 7: Project Discussions & Large Format Printing

My week got off to a bit of a rough start. First I was up all night Monday night doing research for my Design Entrepreneurship project and putting together a mock-up Wordpress. I was in the groove so I stayed up too late and then I decided to stay up all night in order to make sure I didn't oversleep for class. I left home early and was eating breakfast at Sonic in Jacksonville when I got a call from Karl telling me our house alarm had gone off. The alarm company called a minute later so I turned around [...]

By |2021-10-24T10:41:33-06:00October 7th, 2016|Categories: Design, Grad School|Tags: , |0 Comments

National Coffee Day Fliers

It's almost time for National Coffee Day Y'all! Today I had the pleasure of wrapping up some fliers for Garrett Counseling's National Coffee Day shindig. The Garrett Counseling crew loves their coffee and they want to share the warm wonderfulness of it with others on National Coffee Day (September 19th). They've partnered with three locations: Java Jolt in Jacksonville, JaMoka's Coffee Company in Albertville, and OHenry's Coffees in Brookwood Village (Birmingham), so if you're near one of these locations drop by on September 19th for a free coffee and other fun goodies and activities. Free Coffee Wellness Breaks Java Jolt: [...]

By |2020-02-08T01:48:12-06:00September 10th, 2016|Categories: Design|0 Comments
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