Covid Creations

Covid Creations Virtual Exhibit | November 2020 Hosted by the Jacksonville State University College of Arts & Humanities Fluttering, June 2020 Fluttering Carol Record There's a creek called Five Mile Creek located near my childhood home in Birmingham, AL that's always been a place of magic in my imagination. This image is part of an experimental series I made that consisted of exposing plant life from around the creek during the middle of the day and then immediately processing the paper to stop exposure in the creek itself. For me, these images are a combination of science and [...]

By |2021-10-29T00:54:34-06:00November 15th, 2020|Categories: Exhibitions|0 Comments

WE, the Women’s Caucus Exhibition

Friends, I am super excited to announce that my #metoo work was chosen for inclusion in WE, the Women's Caucus Exhibition in Columbus, Ohio this November-December at West Rich Promenade Gallery. The show was curated by four jurors who chose twelve artists for the exhibition out of 61 entries so this is a huge honor. In addition to the show, an awesome exhibition website has been published so you can experience the exhibit virtually, and a printed catalog for the show is planned. How cool! I'm still new to sharing my work in shows like this, especially outside of the [...]

By |2020-11-05T03:25:20-06:00November 5th, 2020|Categories: Exhibitions, Photography|0 Comments

2020 PDN Student Photo Contest – Grand Prize Winner!

OMG y'all! I am flipping out because my #metoo work was chosen as a Grand Prize winner in PDNedu's 2020 Student Photo Contest!!!!!! I'm so excited, surprised, honored, and grateful for the positive news I'm tearing up. I had honestly forgotten I had entered this competition. When I checked my email and saw an email telling me I was a winner I thought the email was spam, but then I went to PDNedu's site and saw that not only was I a winner but I was THE Grand Prize winner in the Fine Art & Personal Work category!!! I am [...]

By |2021-10-29T11:51:53-06:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Exhibitions, Grad School|0 Comments

47th Annual Juried Student Show

Happy to announce my tintype 'Enola' was accepted into JSU's 47th Annual Juried Student Show. This tintype and case were all made by me. The image is a dry plate tintype of my grandmother created using a digital negative. The case and matt were laser cut and engraved and assembled by hand. This piece and the others in the series took a ridiculous amount of time and work so I'm excited for the opportunity to show it off. 47th Annual Juried Student Show Jacksonville State University | Department of Art Hammond Gallery | March 10th - 31st, 2020 Opening Reception: [...]

By |2021-10-29T14:13:26-06:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Exhibitions, Grad School, Photography|0 Comments

Women’s History Month Exhibition

Three pieces of my work were accepted for JSU's 2020 Women's History Month Exhibition. Two pigment prints (the original silver gelatins were in another show) 'Happy Family' and 'Stepfather' and my board game Escape from Tox City. Women's History Month Exhibition Jacksonville State University | Student Gallery Opening Reception: March 10th, 5-7 PM Call for Entry: This is a call for entry to all women, artists, poets, writers, individuals, and the like. We would like to invite you to enter our inaugural Women's History Month Exhibition. We are looking for art works dealing with gender, politics, women, history, and everything [...]

By |2021-10-29T01:48:22-06:00March 12th, 2020|Categories: Exhibitions, Grad School|0 Comments
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