‘Yes I Use a Rule” Artist Talk with Diana Cadwallader

‘Yes I Use a Rule” Artist Talk with Diana Cadwallader Diana Cadwallader, or Ms. C as she is affectionately known, gave an artist talk this afternoon to coincide with the closing of her show — From Celestial Tartans to Mary's Mantles. It was an absolute pleasure to hear her speak. She began by talking about how we judge the success of ourselves as artists and questioned if the only measures of success are fame and fortune? It was interesting to learn that her early education took place in a Catholic convent. Her knowledge of the Catholic church, especially the stories [...]

By |2020-02-29T00:59:59-06:00September 20th, 2017|Categories: News|0 Comments

Hatched wins a Gold Addy!

Gold ADDY Win for Hatched Logo Design! Exciting news! Stefanie, Laura, and I won a Gold ADDY for our Hatched logo design at the Birmingham American Advertising Awards! 🎉 The ADDYs, held nationwide, recognize excellence in advertising and design. Since our entry took home gold at the local level, it will now advance to the regional competition in Nashville. This year, JSU students made a strong showing, winning four out of the twelve student awards: Blake Dodgen earned a Gold ADDY in the campaign category. Stefanie, Laura, and I won Gold for logo design. Annabelle Barrow took home two Silver [...]

By |2025-02-18T04:36:26-06:00March 8th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Home from Cuba!

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Cuba. It was essentially a work/inspiration trip but it was also a ton of fun. I saw so many amazing things, including a ton of art, music, architecture, and natural wonders. I feel like I could work on nothing but Cuban inspired projects for the next couples of years. I'm currently doing my initial run through all my images and am working on my travel blogs for carolandkarl.com, my husband and my personal blog where we journal our travel and fandom adventures and various other things. Go give it a gander if you're [...]

By |2020-02-29T01:00:17-06:00June 7th, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments

New Photography Site!

I have a new website for my commercial photography: recordphotography.com. This site enables online print ordering and password protected albums which is pretty exciting.

By |2016-03-24T02:03:49-06:00March 24th, 2016|Categories: News, Photography|0 Comments

Self-portrait at Tokyu Plaza, Harajuku Japan

My husband and I are finally on our long desired Japan adventure. Today was our first full day in Japan, and it's been fantastic! We'll be here till the 25th so we have just shy of three weeks to explore central Japan. I'm dying to photograph everything, but we're here to explore and there's a ton of see so I won't have time for careful compositions and photo planning so I'm just having to snap photos quickly as we walk. It's driving me crazy! lol If anyone ever wants to sponsor a photo trip to send me back to Japan, or [...]

By |2020-02-29T01:00:19-06:00August 7th, 2015|Categories: News, Photography|0 Comments

Flat Granny and Me by Jenny Fine

Flat Granny and Me by Jenny Fine opens at The Walnut Gallery this Friday (June 12th) from 7-9pm. I spent part of today at The Walnut Gallery assisting with set up and prep for Friday nights show. The installation, or set if you will, beautifully brings the outdoors inside with 12' pine trees, a beautiful 360 degree view of a lovely cotton field printed on delicate tissue paper, and tree branches covered with Spanish moss overhead. The exhibit is an interesting mix of photography, mixed media, and performance art. The installation is still underway but what's up is beautiful and surreal. It [...]

By |2021-10-29T10:26:00-06:00June 9th, 2015|Categories: News|0 Comments
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