GMA Photography Show 2015

Three of my photography works: Trepidatio, Self-Portrait, and Floor Lamp will be on display in the 2015 Gadsden Museum of Art Photography Show. The exhibit will run from May 12 to June 24th, with an opening reception on Sunday, May 17th from 2pm - 4pm. Gadsden Museum of Art 515 Broad Street Gadsden, AL 35901

By |2020-02-08T01:41:45-06:00May 1st, 2015|Categories: Exhibitions|0 Comments

Pop Up Art Gallery

Anniston's second annual Pop Up Art Gallery hosted at 10th & Noble in Anniston, AL on April 17th was a lot of fun. I managed to snag the last little bit of wall space. It was made of cinder block but I came prepared with loose prints, stickies, and sticker labels. I had a great time sharing and answering questions about my work and seeing the work of others. Pop Up Art Gallery 10th & Noble, Anniston AL April 17, 2015    

By |2021-10-29T10:49:17-06:00April 17th, 2015|Categories: Exhibitions|0 Comments

Journeys by Anita Stewart @ Heritage Hall

After a bit of a fight with my GPS (don't trust Google Maps) I managed to find Heritage Hall Museum in Talladega for the opening reception of 'Journeys,' a selection of artwork by Anita Stewart. The exhibition consisted of a beautiful and inspiring selection of photography, altered books, and cigar box assemblages. I always enjoy Anita's photography but this was my first time seeing her work with altered books and I was very impressed. I particularly liked how she removed part of the cover to create a shadowbox-like appearance in some. In many of her altered books she cut away [...]

By |2021-10-29T10:51:42-06:00April 3rd, 2015|Categories: News|0 Comments

Just purchased my first view camera!

Just purchased a 4x5 Calumet Cambo view camera! Can't wait to get the rest of the supplies I need to create my own tintypes. I'm pretty sure I got a good deal as this set. I paid a little under $500 for the bundle, including shipping. It comes with a Caltar IIE Copal No. 1 210mm f/6.8 MC lens with both caps, and includes the following accessories: - 12 Riteway and 2 Lisco Regal II film holders, all clean - Bag bellows - Dark cloth - Focusing shade - Polaroid 545i instant film back - sturdy Viking carrying case w/combo [...]

By |2020-02-29T01:00:20-06:00February 25th, 2015|Categories: News, Photography|0 Comments

Introduction to Photography Class

Did an introduction to photography class at the Jacksonville Public Library. Many thanks to Barbara and Christy was inviting me to present.

By |2025-02-17T18:59:17-06:00October 13th, 2011|Categories: News|0 Comments

Liberty Not Debt

My senior show project 'Liberty, Not Debt!' is finally set up. This project consists of an educational brochure, postcard, and website. The website is no longer online but here's a few pictures of my setup. This project was very research heavy. I spent almost the entire semester reviewing government budget reports and figuring out what all the terms meant. I printed way too many postcards which I gave out as take-aways at the show. Finally learned how to make graphs in Illustrator. Check out my awesome graph making skills below. Liberty Not Debt, brochure and postcard

By |2025-02-18T04:59:41-06:00April 7th, 2011|Categories: Design, Exhibitions|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Busy Busy Busy

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh... So I feel a little guilty that my post are never as frequent, and never deal with the topics I would like them to, so here's my excuse.  "I've been busy." I'm enjoying my job more and more every day. It's so nice to clock out at the end of my shift and not take any work home with me. And because most of the work I do is pretty repetitive, mostly image clipping, retouching, photography, and illustration, I've been able to learn many of the tools really well, and learn new tools and methods as well. Fall semester [...]

By |2020-02-29T01:00:36-06:00November 21st, 2010|Categories: News|0 Comments
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