Si’kono She’va Alah’vast’nu: The Artist’s Invocation

True art is an expression of the soul. It is a calling that cannot be contained, an energy that must be released. To withhold it is to create a dam within the self—one that builds pressure, causing unease, anxiety, and tension in both body and spirit. Art is not always logical. It does not always arrive with clear purpose or explanation. Yet, it must be expressed. To create is to move, to breathe, to align. Before the masterpiece can emerge, the clutter must be discarded—the noise, the distractions, the stagnant energy held within. One must empty the vessel of its burdens so that the soul’s true essence may flow freely like ink in a pen.

By |2025-02-21T04:19:09-06:00February 21st, 2025|Categories: Art, Writing|Tags: |0 Comments

Photography as a Spiritual Practice: Capturing Energy in Motion

Everything is energy—light, movement, even the essence of a place. Photography, at its core, is about harnessing light, freezing fleeting moments into something we can hold onto. But what if it could go deeper? What if, instead of just documenting, we could capture the energy itself—the pulse of a space, the feeling of a moment, the unseen forces at play? Lately, I’ve been experimenting with motion and light painting, not just as a technique but as a way to tune into the spirit of a place. By letting the camera move with me, I’m starting to capture something I’ve always [...]

By |2025-02-21T04:38:46-06:00February 17th, 2025|Categories: Photography, Writing|Tags: |0 Comments

The Divine Experiment

The Divine Experiment: A 7-Part Video Series What if even God is learning through us? The Divine Experiment isn’t just about humanity—it’s about the Creator discovering truth alongside creation. This is where our story begins. About the Series The Divine Experiment is a seven-part video series exploring the idea that humanity is part of a greater cosmic design—an experiment in free will, unity, and the search for divine truth. This journey is not just about us; it is about the Creator experiencing and understanding alongside us. Through prophecy, catalysts, and the unfulfilled promise of a child, the experiment continues to [...]

By |2025-02-21T04:25:30-06:00December 21st, 2024|Categories: Video, Writing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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