Grad Journal: Fall 2017, Week 9

Grad Journal: Fall 2017, Week 9

By |2025-02-18T03:34:17-06:00October 22nd, 2017|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

Week 9: October 16th-22nd

The SPESC Photo Conference in Waco, Texas was fantastic. I flew to Dallas, Texas on Thursday, and drove to Waco, TX for the conference which took place Friday-Sunday. I landed in Atlanta around midnight Sunday night and got lost in the parking garage so I didn’t make it out of Atlanta until around 1:30 am. I was so tired I ending up parking at a gas station and sleeping for a few hours before driving home. I didn’t make it home until after 5 am. Needless to say, it was a long day, which was then followed by a very long week.

I don’t want to go into much detail but I encountered some sort of problem every single day from technology not cooperating, to my cat flooding my bathroom and making water rain into my living room, and so on. I was so glad when Karl returned home Friday evening.


  • Design Studio
  • Made reservations for SPE and Creative South


  • Stopped by LaGarde Park and shot some Holga film before going to class and developing my film.
  • Sound Design Class
  • Work: Faculty Commons


  • Work: Faculty Commons
  • Design Studio:
  • Darkroom: 6:30-9pm, developed more 120 film and printed contact sheets


  • Darkroom Photo:
  • Photo Club Meeting (11-12): Mat Cutting Demo by Sarah — We were originally planning to do the product table demo but changed to mat cutting in order to help students prepare their work for our photography show
  • Sound Design:
    • Finished reading She Kills Monsters, a really awesome geeky play set in the ’90s. I’m looking forward to working on a sound design for it. It’s right up my alley.

I realized when I got to school that I had left several things at home including my phone, my wallet, and the two cheese sticks that I would have considered my breakfast. I was so hungry I called into work so I could go home at 2:30 pm and stuff my face. It was a pretty miserable day.


  • Lumbar Puncture! Hopefully, my performance will begin to improve over the next week now that my pressure has been lowered to a normal level.


  • Holga photography at LaGarde Park
  • Hobby Lobby and Office Max Supply Run
  • Home Depot: looked at potential materials to use in my Golden Thorn art booth design, and picked up supplies for the house.


  • Matted work for [Enclosed] (4-6 pm)
  • Darkroom (7 pm-11:30 pm): developed a few rolls of 120. Both of which still have light leaks. The good news is that Karl helped me figure out what’s causing the light leak. Turns out it’s the lens which means my Holga is just no good. It sucks it took 6 rolls of film to figure that out. I printed contact sheets and then performed my first Laptop Printing test. It’s very frustrating but cool. Hopefully, I will get the hang of it soon as I will be doing a demonstration on it in a few weeks.
  • Roundhouse (11:30 pm-12 am): dropped off my work for [Enclosed]. I framed 3 diptychs and four 5″x8″ prints. I’m only putting the 5″x8″ prints in if we need to fill space.

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