Week 1: Sept. 20th-26th
My first week back on campus was great. I had a ton of energy and was excited to get back into the swing of things. Week 1 was essentially a week of class orientation plus preparing for and carrying out the Alumni Reunion & Pop-up Show. The whole week was packed full of activity, but it was all good.
I’m taking three classes this semester and am shadowing a fourth. I’m also serving as President of the Art Alumni Chapter, the MFA Student Committee, and Co-President of the Photo Club. I’m hoping to step down to Treasurer of the Photo Club in the spring so I won’t have so much on my plate. In the meantime, I must remember to say no to all the other things.
Fall 2019 Classes:
- ART676: Video for Photographers with Doug Clark
- ART690: Adv. Contemporary Media with Chad Anderson
- DR 581: Special Topics in Design Technology with Freddy Clements
- ART 488: Senior Projects (Shadowing Seth Johnson)
- MFA Orientation
- Lunch with Laura & Stef at Baja
- Art Department Newsletter research
Tuesday: First Day of Class!
- GA meeting with Seth
- The Senior Projects class only meets on Thursdays but we are available to help them on Tuesdays.
- We discussed plans for the department newsletter, including me coordinating it.
- Helped Morgan position work for the Alumni Show
- DR 581 – Design Technology w/ Freddy Clements
- The class was smaller than expected. There are just five students, including myself and Stefanie.
- We are going to learn Vectorworks and 3d print, as well as work with a variety of foams and molding and casting materials.
- I was excited to learn we will be designing elements for a production of She Kills Monsters — one of my favorite plays.
- Prepping for Alumni Reunion
I spent all day Friday prepping for the Alumni Reunion, figuring out what I was going to say, finding props for the photo booth, doing a photo booth test setup with Karl to make sure we had everything we needed. I also spent somewhere between 5-6 hours writing out my thoughts and then rewriting out what I wanted to say just to help myself focus and get organized. Friday was the beginning of what would turn into a very long weekend but everything went smoothly and the event turned out great.
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