Grad School, Week 10

Grad School, Week 10

By |2025-02-18T04:55:46-06:00October 28th, 2016|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

Grad School, Week 10:

This week was one of my most exhausting weeks so far, primarily due to all my travels last week. I was in Vegas last Sunday – Friday, arrived home Saturday morning, and then left Sunday morning for a two day trip to Helen, GA to squeeze a little quality time in with my husband and some friends. To top it all off, I developed a cold as soon as I got home from Vegas so I’ve felt sick and tired all week. All the traveling was worth it, but boy am I glad it’s the weekend. Oh, I also had a big photo job on Wednesday that essentially consumed the entire day. No rest for the Carol. 🙁


Art 625: Design Readings & Research

  • Tuesday
    • Reading Discussion – Pick 3
  • Thursday
    • Research Project Discussion – everyone discussed their research project status. I discussed how my first interview went and my next steps. My interview went well. It essentially confirmed my assumptions, provided me with a few more avenues to explore, and gave me a few new things to think about.


Art 640:

  • Tuesday
    • Discussion Day / Researched grad program sizes at other universities in the SE
  • Thursday
    • We were ideally supposed to come to class with a web layout mock-up for Seth to show us how to slice and assemble in Bootstrap but none of us were ready for it. Instead we spent the class period watching Seth demo some Bootstrap templates and listened to his tips on how best to work with the templates. Then Stefanie, Laura, and I discussed our project and tried to regain our focus and draft out some basic content organization.

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