Grad School, Week 7: Project Discussions & Large Format Printing

Grad School, Week 7: Project Discussions & Large Format Printing

By |2025-02-18T04:56:01-06:00October 7th, 2016|Categories: Journals|Tags: , |0 Comments

My week got off to a bit of a rough start. First I was up all night Monday night doing research for my Design Entrepreneurship project and putting together a mock-up WordPress. I was in the groove so I stayed up too late and then I decided to stay up all night in order to make sure I didn’t oversleep for class. I left home early and was eating breakfast at Sonic in Jacksonville when I got a call from Karl telling me our house alarm had gone off. The alarm company called a minute later so I turned around and went home to see what was going on. Our house had indeed been broken into — again. Thankfully nothing was taken this time as the alarm was set off almost as soon as the would-be-thief got inside our main floor. Karl came home from work so I was able to make my second class. I was glad for the distraction, especially after having put a lot of work into my project mock-up.

Thursday was another busy day full of classes, extra projects, and two gallery shows. Jamey Grimes has a beautiful installation called Aurora up in Hammond Gallery. He gave a gallery talk and I did my best to try to get some good pictures of his talk. Mrs. McElroy’s Painting III students had a show in the Roundhouse Gallery inspired by their work with a foldascope. I was really impressed by it. Both shows were great so I was glad I made it through the day to see and photograph them but boy was I glad to go home and crash.

 Art 625: Design Readings & Research

I’m a bit behind on my research project but I’m going to try to play catch up this weekend. I’m still in my literature review phase. I really need to wrap it up soon. I’m going to start my interview phase soon so I need to get my questions together.

  • Tuesday (missed class due to home invasion)
    • Reading Discussion
  • Thursday
    • Research Project Discussion

Art 640:

On Tuesday we decided that the scope of our project was too broad so we are now focusing on the ideation phase of design entrepreneurship. I’m hoping we’ll at least touch on some of the other areas though. We’ll just have to see what time allows. On Thursday we had a large format printer demo and printed some images on different types of paper. I brought in one of my images of Shinjuku Crossing for a test print and I can’t wait to get it mounted and hang it up at home. I’m super excited to have some really nice equipment to utilize.

  • Tuesday
  • Thursday:
    • Education Discussion
      • GA Enhancements (3 classes a semester and double the stipend. Yay!)
    • Printer Demonstration & Printing
Epson 9900

Epson Stylus Pro 9900

Shinjuku Crossing printed on Matte Paper

Shinjuku Crossing printed on Matte Paper

Other Art Things:

  • Tuesday
    • Photographed ‘Aurora’ Gallery Show
  •  Thursday
    • Made labels for Student Painting Show
    • Discussed plans for a student trip to Japan with Seth and John. We’re going to try to set it up as a class led by John Oles. Awesome!
    • Jamey Grimes Opening Reception & Talk
    • Painting III Student Show & Reception
    • Photographed both events, and did social media stuff throughout the week.

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